Saturday, March 03, 2012

Fellowship Food

Our church usually has donuts or muffins out with the coffee during fellowship time on Sunday mornings. We rotate between volunteers to be responsible for the snacks provided. In the past there have been a few people who have brought some delicious yummies (especially my gal Lehi who makes the most amazing cinnamon rolls!). For the month of January a dear friend took it on and blew everyone away with her awesome gourmet buffets! Throughout the month she brought an oatmeal bar, biscuits and gravy and various homemade pastries. She has the gift of hospitality and it was a blessing to share her yummy creations!
I'd been trying to get the motivation to take on a month of snacks but clearly after Kim's awesomeness I was intimidated. ;-) But at the same time Kim inspired me to take pride in serving our church body through the fellowship snack ministry. So I teamed up with my awesome friend, Jess (have I mentioned that I think everyone should have a Jess?) and we determined to do Kim proud and make our own fabulous fellowship food!

I neglected to take pictures every week so we'll have to settle for what our month's worth of fellowship food looks like on paper.

WEEK ONE - fruit smoothies, polka dot pancakes, OJ

WEEK TWO - yogurt bar (two kinds of yogurt and misc toppings), cresent roll pinwheels & OJ

WEEK THREE - monkey bread, pigs in a blanket, & OJ

WEEK FOUR – Jess had to make her signature dish: fruit salsa, bagels and cream cheese, OJ

It was a blessing to be able to minister to our church body in this way. Food brings people together. Its a common denominator that bridges gaps. "Food is not about impressing people. It's about making them feel comfortable." Ina Garten, 'The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook'. Its so true! I know for me personally, serving in this way opened up opportunities for conversations that might not otherwise have come about.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1Corinthians 10:13

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