Saturday, March 14, 2009

Women of Worth

I've recently started attending a young women's bible study (yes, I think I'm still considered young!) that is hosted by Miss Sniz. We have a wonderful group of nine young ladies ranging from just out of high school all the way to Sniz herself who's oldest just started high school. It is a farely diverse group. We have some singles, a newlywed, and a couple of us with kids. While we're all pretty familiar with eachother from church it is a brand new group and I'm looking forward to getting to know each woman better in the coming months.
We are planning on using our weekly meetings to pray for one another, study the Word, learn some life skills (cooking, money management, maybe some crafts, etc), and of course we'll have some good old fashioned girl time too!
We will be going through The Worth of a Woman Bible study from Focus on the Family. It is designed to help women discover their true identify in Christ and develop a closer relationship with their Savior. The series provides the opportunity for women to reconnect with their Savior and one another through Bible study, prayer, fellowship and activities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm a reader Yay! I'm so excited too! I love that picture of us and am so glad you had the foresight to take it! I should just have my camera handy during our never know what's going to happen. Hey, my cousin in Texas was asking me where you get your scrapbook sketches from and I thought you might have told me but can't remember.