Saturday, July 23, 2005

Two Weeks Old

Isaac has had the last two weeks off of work and has been a great help taking care of Nate and things around the house. Our church has been bringing us meals - mmmm mmmm good! We're still getting used to being parents... but so far we haven't screwed anything up too badly. There are so many things for us to learn about being parents and about Nate himself. I can't believe how much we love him already. We can just sit there and stare at him for hours sometimes. He's been such a good baby. He isn't really fussy - just when he needs to tell us to change or feed him. At night he's waking up to eat about every 3 hours or so. Not too bad. We're trying to get in the habit of napping when he does but it doesn't always happen that way. I've had a couple of check-ups and I'm healing well. We've been given a little more freedom from the docs... I'm not on house arrest anymore. But still need to take it easy so I don't hinder the healing progress. Nate weighs in at 7lbs 15oz at two weeks old. Breast feeding has obviously been going well, according to the weight gain. We're still getting the hang of it, but doing alright.

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