Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Take on: Registries

Ok, these are just little tidbits that I have learned and I wish someone would have told me (not that I would have listened back then! ;-)

Wedding Registries
* Don't register for anything you would not actually buy yourself. If its too expensive for you to buy its probably too expensive for most of your friends and family too.
* Limit yourself to registering at one or two places. Seriously, what does Target have that Walmart does not? And vice versa, etc. It gets too confusing and overwhelming trying to keep track of multiple registries.
* Don't be afraid to ask a married friend or family member to help you register because they already have a home and will know what things you need and which ones you do not. I recommend taking said married friend instead of your future husband. Face it girls, he probably has very little interest in registering for anything that you need for your home. If he goes it'll just be to sneak in a few video games onto the registry.

Baby Registries

* Keep it Simple! You do not have to register for the child's entire life's worth of stuff. Trust me, as much fun as it is to open cute outfits and stuff at the shower, you will wish you'd just been given diapers! ;-)
* Don't register for stuff you would not actually buy yourself. If its too expensive for you to buy its probably too expensive for most of your friends and family too. And baby stuff is used for such a short time it usually doesn't make sense to spend alot of money on it.
* Again I will say have a friend or family member who has had babies before come with you. There is so much stuff out there that looks cute or handy but its so hard to know what you need before you have your own. Get advice on what essentials are worth registering for.

1 comment:

Forgetfulone said...

I couldn't agree more! Great advice. And I would like to add on wedding showers, don't invite people to your shower that aren't invited to the wedding. Bad manners!