Thursday, June 06, 2013

Getting to Know Gluten-Free

We're on a learning curve here as we are beginning our gluten-free lifestyle. I kind of went crazy when I found some great deals on gf products but I know I need to be learning to incorporate less processed stuff into our diet. Its hard to completely change the way you work in the kitchen. I naively thought I'd just be able to swap flours in most of my recipes and it doesn't look like that is how it works. But we're looking forward to finding our new "normal" eventually. Hoping God makes it clear that this is what our family needs.

I have been trying to be creative with our meals to keep us from missing the usual meals so much.  I was inspired by Money Saving Mom and Musings of a Housewife to post our menu for our first couple of weeks of being gluten-free.

frozen gluten-free pancakes
gluten-free cereal
scrambled omelets (we like spinach, bacon and cheese)
fresh pancakes

fruit, cheese and Nut Thin crackers
yogurt and fruit
leftover bean & cheese taquitos
bbq pulled pork baked potatoes

School lunches for Joe were a little challenging at first but I was inspired by this post which was incredibly helpful - not all gluten-free but still full of great ideas.
gf pancakes, yogurt & banana
half pb sandwich on tapioca gf bread, applesauce cup, piece of cheese

Isaac's work lunches were mostly leftovers and re-purposed leftovers.

Currently our snacks don't look much different than our lunches (only smaller portions) but its slowly beginning to change as I am finding more gf recipes that we like.
gf crackers & cheese
gf granola bars

homemade taquitos (for the filling I used pulled pork, black beans, chopped bell peppers & Mojo marinade - but Nate hates that so he got bean and cheese ones)
BBQ pulled pork nachos (thank goodness Sweet Baby Ray's is gluten-free!)
stir fry with coconut rice
jumbo baked potatoes
homemade pizza (used a gf pizza crust mix)
fried sausage and potatoes

Freezer Cooking
gf pancakes - I have used a couple of different recipes
gf banana coconut muffins (used this recipe but substituted gf flour)
gf taquitos
egg casserole

Well, I feel like we're still getting comfortable with this gluten-free thing.  I am devoting a lot more time and energy into planning and preparing our meals.  Not to mention spending a lot more money at the grocery store.  I'm still scouring the web for ideas and recipes often. 

photo source

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