Thursday, February 28, 2013

Joe's IEP

Just a couple of weeks ago I had Joe's IEP meeting with his teachers and therapists.  I remember how scary the first one was.  I stressed a lot leading up to it, then I cried during and afterward...  Each time it gets less and less overwhelming.  One thing I have appreciated is that he has had the same PT and OT since he started developmental preschool nearly three years ago.  So they really understand how far he has come and they rejoice with us in his progress (both big and small).  A newer therapist or teacher may not have the same appreciation for the work that he is doing if they hadn't seen where he started.
While progress for Joe is slow (sometimes painfully so) it is progress none the less and we are thankful for that.  He is such a sweet boy and he is a blessing to those who know him.  It warmed my heart to hear his teacher and therapists share little stories about things he has done at school.  You can tell that they really care about him and want to help him be the best version of himself that he can.  I am so thankful for all the special people that have been brought into our life to work along side us to help our kids become who God wants them to be.

Psalm 28:7 -The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him.

1 comment:

Julie R said...

Such a cute picture of Joe! You're right. He is a sweet little boy!