Wednesday, January 07, 2009

WFMW - No DVD Cases!

When my first son started being able to crawl and pull himself up he immediately began getting into our DVD cases. So we moved them up a shelf. And then another. And soon almost nothing was out of his reach and we were tired of fighting with him daily over it. So... we bought pleather cd albums (a little bit of an investment, but you could get cheaper ones if you didn't care about them looking nice). I separated our movies into categories: kids/family, comedy/romance and action/drama. All of our DVDs are stored in these albums and we don't have to worry about the boys getting into them and they take up a ton less space!

That works for me!


Kim said...

We did this with the kids movies in out house so our son could just flip through them. It never occured to me to do it with all of our movies. (slaps self on forehead) This totally takes care of the space issues I've been having!

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

I like these cases as I used to use them for me CDs. However, the ones that I had managed to pull off the printing from many of the CDs. It was slightly annoying. My guess is that these leather cases are better than the ones I had (which were still not cheap).

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh....those look fabulous! So classy and practical at the same time.

Great idea!

(And I won't say I'm definitely going, but I do at this moment plan to go to the Jill Savage event barring bad weather--I'd very much like to hear her and a friend of mine might come, too, in case you want to get a semi-committed rsvp)

Niki Jolene said...

Good post---we do this too1


Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to so this for some time. I am so tired of having DVD cases strewn all over out entertainment center!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! I have never seen those binders - I'll have to look for them.

Erin K. said...

Oh my word! This is a great idea! We don't have a ton of movies (yet), and I already have the perfect little case to put them in. This will solve the problem of people (ahem - myself included) stacking loose DVDs on the entertainment center and not putting them in their appropriate case. Woohoo!

Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting yesterday!

Veggiemomof2 said...

I do the same thing to save space!

Anonymous said...

This has helped us a lot, too. But it was Really Hard to throw away all those cases. I mean, what IF we want to read the back of the movie case one day?!?!? ....I finally let go.

~ Lori

p.s. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier this week!

Michelle said...

WOW. That is a super good idea.

Just can't do it. I love to see the cases all alphabetically arranged on the shelf.

But I know if I have to get rid of some that this is a good alternative. THanks!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I love discovering a bit of brilliance on the internet. Your idea to keep your CDs out of your children's reach is truly inspired. I love it and will definitely be implementing a similar system in our home. Just yesterday I was getting a bit too annoyed over something as small as having to pick up the CDs/DVDs yet once again off of our living room floor.

Thanks for your bit of advice on how to regain my sanity!


Forgetfulone said...

It's so neat and streamlined, but I'm a case person.