As you may know, I am a big fan of movies. I love to watch them, quote them, be captivated by them... while my movie tastes are broad I have a special place in my sappy heart for love stories. When I saw the trailer for The Vow I nearly cried. I told you I was sappy. Check it out:
Obviously I was easily taken in by the storyline. True love. Who doesn't love a good love story like that? But when I found out it was based on a true story, my heart skipped a beat. It completely changed the way I looked at the movie. This isn't just a cute heart-warming story made up by creative writers. This is the true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter.
Their book shares about their unusual love story: Life as Kim and Krickitt Carpenter knew it was shattered beyond recognition on November 24, 1993, two months after their marriage, when their car was hit from behind by a fast-moving truck. A massive head injury left Krickitt in a coma for weeks.
When she finally emerged from the coma, she recognized her parents and everyone else-but she didn't know Kim. She had no idea who he was. The "Krickitt" Kim had married essentially died in the accident.
The Vow is the true tale of the reconstruction of two lives and a marriage after an event so shattering that most others would have parted ways long ago. Though it was not easy, and it tested every fiber of who they were, Kim and Krickitt fell in love all over again.
Here is an interview with Kim and Krickitt on the Today Show yesterday. And the one below is an older video of the two of them sharing about their unique story.
I was blessed to be able to do a phone interview with Kim and Krickitt today, Valentine's Day.
Wani - How do you feel about the way your story was adapted into a movie?
Kim & Krickitt - We we very happy with the way the movie turned out. We understand that there is a certain amount of artistic liberty that needed to happen but we felt that the studios (Sony and Spyglass) were very respectful of our requests. Originally the movie was supposed to be rated "R" and they were willing to make some changes to accommodate our desires for the movie, and we were willing to compromise on some things as well.
Both Channing and Rachel were very diligent in researching us, watching interviews and reading our book. They did a really good job in portraying us.
Wani -What kind of a role did your faith play in how you both handled the incredible situation you were in after the accident?
Kim - Between our two sets of parents they have celebrated over a hundred anniversaries. They set such an example of commitment and faithfulness. And I know without the Lord we would not have made it. We are strong in faith but we are weak.
Krickitt - Once I realized what had happened, that I was married to a man named Kim. I had made vows, "in sickness and in health". I knew there was no out. I would honor the commitments I had made. It wasn't easy. I started digging into and hanging onto scripture like: "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philipians 4:13 and "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. I knew God is true to His word. And after eighteen years of marriage now we have our two children (ages 11yr and 8yr) and they are the good that has come from this.
Wani - What advice do you have for married couples going through hard times?
Krickitt - I would say: get a support system in place, find a church and get counseling, watch your wedding video. You made vows to one another before God, we need to back our words with actions. Show our kids an example of faithfulness. Find ways to focus on the good in each other instead of the bad. And forgiveness is key.
Kim -Over time people change. As the years go by and you both go through changes, keep in contact with the things that brought you together in the first place. Find ways to stay positive and compromise. If you set an example of commitment and faithfulness in your life you can effect those around you.
W - What would you like for people to take away from your story/the movie?
K&K -Marriage is hard. We take these vows: til death do us part. Sadly our society has allowed our vows to lose their meaning and our foundations to be weakened. Through all of this, our experiences, writing the book and our story being made into a record breaking movie, we are just a normal couple and we hope that our story can inspire change and bring glory to the Lord.
What a huge blessing it was to speak with Kim and Krickitt this morning. I would have liked to sit down over coffee and chat some more! They do seem like a very normal couple who, through God's help, have overcome huge obstacles. What a refreshing change from the typical movie love story that is all about sex and instant gratification. The Vow is about faithfulness and honoring our commitments and working through hard times. Thank you to the Carpenters for being willing to share their story with the world. May God bless you with many more happy years together!
And now for the fabulous Valentine's Day giveaway!! I have some promotional items for The Vow that I'd love to share with some lucky winner: The Vow movie soundtrack and some love Vow-chers (coupons) to share with your special someone. If you would like to enter to win you must comment on this post with your email address. You also have five bonus ways to enter: 1) become a follower of Wani's World. 2) "like" Wani's World blog and Etsy store on facebook. 3) "like" Kim & Krickitt Carpenter on facebook. 4) "like" The Vow book on facebook. 5) The Vow movie on facebook. For each entry you must come back here and leave a separate comment on this post telling me you have done each one.
This giveaway is open to US residents only and will be open until February 19th (my b-day) and then I'll post the winner! Good Luck and Happy Valentine's Day!!
**I'm linking up to a few of these great giveaway linky posts.
1 John 4:16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

I am subscribed using google reader. Does that count? Great post! I was on the fence about this movie but after hearing the real couple speak I am thinking I really need to watch it!
I have done every entry. I saw "The Vow" last night and it was a great movie! :)
Anonymous - You can't enter a giveaway anonymously. Its kind of hard to get in touch with you if I don't know who you are. Please leave your contact info if you are entering a giveaway. Thanks.
Thank you for the chance to win - sounds great! I enjoyed your post.
I follow your blog on facebook.
I would like to win. thanks
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I follow on gfc as carolwegs. thanks
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I like wanis world blog and etsy store on facebook. thanks
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I like the vow book on facebook as carol wegs. thanks
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I like the vow movie on facebook as carol wegs. thanks
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I like kim and krickett carpenter on facebook as carol wegs
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I would love this soundtrack-can't wait to see the movie!
I now follow on GFC-thanks
I follow on facebook now-can't wait to see this movie
I have liked the Cricketts on facebook-I didn't realize this was based on a true story!
I have liked the book on facebook-a new must read I'm guessing!!
I have liked to movie too-date night here we come!
I cannot wait to see this movie, what a lovely story! Thank you for the chance to win. :)
Sounds like a great story. Count me in! Thanks.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
I would love to win this!
I follow you on GFC as Nikki Lynn Hanna
I "like" Wani's World blog and Etsy store on facebook FB name is Nikki Lynn Hanna
I "like" Kim & Krickitt Carpenter on facebook, fb name is Nikki Lynn Hanna
I "like" The Vow book on facebook, fb name is Nikki Lynn Hanna
I like The Vow movie on FB, fb name is Nikki Lynn Hanna
I would love to see this movie, I love that this is based on a true story and Channing is too cute!
I can't wait to see The Vow! It looks SO GOOD!
residentmayor at
I am a GFC follower - Doodle741
residentmayor at
I saw the movie...and loved the music
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
new GFC follower
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
like wan's world blog & etsy store on FB as deanna time
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
like Kim & krickitt on Fb as deanna time
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
like the vow book on FB as deanna time
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
like the vow movie on FB as deanna time
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
I would LOVE to win this!!!
GFC Follower
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Farrah Shumway
Happy Birthday To You!!
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Farrah Shumway
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Farrah Shumway
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Farrah Shumway
Became a follower.
Liked the Carpenters on fb.
Love that you were able to talk with the Carpenters! What a great giveaway! emily.chambon @ gmail . com.
Like the movie on fb.
Liked the book on fb.
Liked your blog/store on fb.
Liked the Carpenters on FB. Neat story...I had seen the book, but didn't know what it was about.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
sistermomy at hotmail dot com
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sistermomy at hotmail dot com
Wani, thanks for linkin up at the Wednesday encouragement. This week's link up will go live Wednesday morning. Feel free to stop by and link up new or old testimonies and let your readers know you're linked up @! Enjoyed your post!
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