So, I'm gonna be 29 in February... I know... I'm getting old. But anyway... I got this idea from another blog and did a search and checked out a few others who have done similar things. I'm creating a list of 30 Things To Do Before I Turn 30. I'm off to a good start on the list but I'm open to suggestions so feel free to post your ideas! Here is what I have so far (in random order).
Take a "real" vacation with my husband! Not just to the family lakehouse (though its nice, its not the same as really getting away together - ALONE!). ;-)
I want to go to one (and only one) of the following: Colts game, Pacers game OR the Indy 500.... those are huge Indianapolis things to do and I've lived here my whole life and not done any of them!
Go on a trip with my "girls". We've been talking about doing it for years but none of us has had the money... but somehow we need to make it happen!!
Watch a silent movie. I don't know why but I think it'd be really fun! Charlie Chaplain here I come!
Going to a scrapbooking retreat with a group of my Scrappin' Sisters! This one will totally happen! Right girls?!?
Take my older son to an amusement park. He loved the carnival rides at the county fair... I know he'd love the kiddie area of Kings' Island or Holiday World... something like that.
Get really good outdoor family pictures taken of us and the boys. I'm a photographer myself... but its hard to do your own family's pictures!
Have all of my house clean at the same time. (I'm not saying I will do said cleaning... just that it will be done!)
Ok, please don't laugh or think I'm awful! Go skinny dipping. Though I'll probably have to do it alone because my husband doesn't do water much.
Do some community service OR mission trip. I've kind of let stuff like that sit on the back burner since I had kids and I think it'd be good to give in that way again.
I know this sounds lame but... I want to own a minivan. Its hard having two kids in car seats in a small sedan! It'd be nice to have my siblings be able to ride with us instead of having to drive separate cars!
Feel comfortable in my own skin. Whether that includes losing weight, getting in better shape, or not... I just want to be able to look at myself and love me without being so critical of myself and pointing out all my flaws.
Get better at managing my time... sometimes I feel like I work all day and get nothing done! There has to be a better way!
So... if anyone has any suggestions on things I should do before I turn 30... please leave me a comment! For more Thursday Thirteen posts check out the site.
Okay so I have an idea of where you can volunteer if you are up to it. They can always use help at Hope House, the maternity home that I go to every Saturday night. You could do any sort of stuff you want there. Also I think your list is very good. Good Luck!
Good list! I would suggest adding somethings that are cheap or free and are easy to do, but maybe require courage. I get overwhelmed looking at my list thinking "how am I going to afford all this?" But I have had the most fun and learned a lot from things like "sing kareoke" or "go see a movie at the theater alone" They are the things I have no excuse for NOT doing and feel so good to see marked off the list!
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