Well, I've known it was coming for awhile now, but its finally here. I am done nursing Joe. We'd been down to one or two feedings a day for awhile now but the last week especially he had been teething and was miserable. When I would try to nurse he would come at me teeth barred and I could only take so much biting. I was able to have a few good feedings over the week but they were getting sporadic and my supply and demand system can't function like that! My mom stuck it out through alot of pain... but I'm just done. I'd rather end now on a happy note then to keep going and be miserable and have awful memories of my nursing experience. So, while a part of me is sad that this part of my relationship with my boys is passed (I don't know if we'll have more kids or not - I may never nurse again), I am feeling a little bit like I have ownership of my body back. I'm not just a milk machine anymore! ;-)
I think "Bittersweet" is the word that describes most of life.
The last time you nurse certainly is!
Well here's to getting your body back. Congrats! You've done a great job Mom. ;)
Awww, it is a very bittersweet moment.. but as much as you will miss gazing down at your child.. you can enjoy some freedom once again!! :)
So, have you noticed any hormone changes? I didn't notice with my first, but with my second, I definitely felt the shift.
Great job, Wani!
Ah, yes, I weaned my second son in August, and he will likely be our last child. There is much joy in getting your "ladies" back - but I miss the closeness and snuggle time that is built in with nursing. Sometimes I miss that. Mostly I just enjoy being able to sleep braless again :)
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